Venture Capital M&A

A Success Story

Faced with an investment opportunity, a venture capital business asked Asplin Consultants for advice about the suitability of a target company’s technology and IT organisation

The Problem

A Venture Capitalist was looking to invest in a technology business; a company providing an intranet builder service, which added a social layer onto enterprise intranet solutions.

With no independent expertise in the specific tools and environments used, Asplin Consultants was asked to provide a level of assurance that the technology approach taken by the target business was fit for purpose and would securely scale to the levels required by the investment case.

The Solution

Over the period of only a few days, Asplin Consultants assessed the technology information available in the data room and interviewed senior leaders and technology staff from the target business.

Using our database of due diligence questions and template reports, we were able to provide a quick and comprehensive overview of the key risk areas in the technology landscape and how effectively these were being managed.

The Results

Feeling much better informed about the target business, the client was assured of the opportunity and invested in the company. With greater certainty about the technology approach being taken, there was a clearer picture of where future change should be focused and a finer level of understanding about the scaling and security aspects of the solution.

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